Who We Are

Bev Greenfield:
Former FPR Board Chair, Senior Investigator, and Director of Field Investigations.
Beverly Ruth Greenfield passed away from breast cancer on June 11, 2012. Her bio remains as a tribute to her selfless dedication to the FPR, as she remains forever in our hearts.

"Helping people is our goal. We use our knowledge and experience to educate and assist those who are frightened, confused or afraid of ridicule. This separates us from most other paranormal research groups."
~Bev Greenfield

Rick Heflin:
FPR founder, former Board Chair, Director of Special Projects, and Senior Investigator.
James Rickey Heflin passed away unexpectedly November 14, 2016. His bio will remain here in tribute to Rick's contribution to, and his vision for, the FPR.

"We are forced to think outside the box on a regular basis. Because there is no box in paranormal research."
~Rick Heflin

Bruce Burns:
Bruce joined the FPR in 2004 and became a certified field investigator under the training and guidance of Rick Heflin in 2004/05. Bruce has served as Director of Historical Research, Senior Investigator, and Executive Co-Director.

The FPR would like to take a moment to thank all the special people who made us who we are.
We offer extra special thanks to:

Rick Heflin
Bev Greenfield
Tina Burns
Ken & Sandy Sumner
John & Donna Yavelak
Vicki Luibrand
Jennifer Sue Fisher
Cheri Mohr Drake Smith
Jim Todd
Doug Williams
David McVey
Olivia Newton
Terry Kimbrell

And all the hundreds of people who attended our meetings, arranged and/or participated in our investigations, shared their locations and stories, followed us on Social Media, and supported us in a number of other (yet equally important) ways.
Thank You!

Check back soon for updates as the FPR regroups and renews our commitment to the study of the paranormal!

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